
Fibre Artist

Deirdre Pinnock is a talented rug hooker, passionate mental health advocate, and self-identified ‘woman of colour’ based in Vancouver, BC.  She intuitively fuses diverse materials, vivid colors and therapeutic qualities into her work with sprinkles of playfulness.​

She is best known for her yarnbombing of positive and uplifting messages such as “be kind” and “you are enough” into public fences around the city, as well as performing stand-up comedy about being Black in Vancouver. Her work expands to hosting workshops, guest speaking on the topic of diversity through art, and her memorial pieces known as Hearts of Honour, which act as a living memory that allows families to grieve their loss. Her compassion shows generously in the language of love expressed through her work, such as crocheted hearts.

Courtesy of CTV, she is publicly known as the Vancouver Yarnbomber.  Additionally, she is the artist behind the “Dude Chilling Park” crocheted sign in Guelph Park, Vancouver, when the original one went missing for the 5th time.​

The purpose behind Deirdre’s art revolves around self-healing and the empowering ability to battle through her grief, anxiety and pain. Deirdre also weaves the current political climate into her fibre art and confronts matters in a very whimsical and humorous way.